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Properties of substance:



Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

colorless needles crystals

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Molar/atomic mass: 202.25

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


CAS №: 206-44-0

Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

benzene: soluble [Ref.]
chloroform: soluble [Ref.]
diethyl ether: soluble [Ref.]
ethanol: difficulty soluble [Ref.]
water: 0.000019 (20°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.00002796 (29.94°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.0000596 (40°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.0001712 (60°C) [Ref.]

Retention indices for gas chromatography:

2076,5 (phase - DB-5, temperature-programmed conditions, 6 K/min)


  1. Yalkowsky S.H., Yan H. Handbook of aqueous solubility data. - CRC Press, 2003. - pp. 1027-1028
  2. Yalkowsky S.H., Yan H., Jain P. Handbook of aqueous solubility data. – 2nd ed. - CRC Press, 2010. - pp. 1081-1082
  3. Другов Ю.С., Родин А.А. Мониторинг органических загрязнений природной среды. - СПб.: Наука, 2004. - pp. 129, 423, 708 [Russian]
  4. Клар Э. Полициклические углеводороды. - Т.2. - М.: Химия, 1971. - pp. 292-301 [Russian]
  5. Справочник коксохимика. - Т. 3. - Харьков: ИНЖЭК, 2009. - pp. 368-371 [Russian]
  6. Химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 5. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1999. - pp. 110 [Russian]

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