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Properties of substance:


Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

white crystals

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 206.2808

Melting point (°C):


CAS ¹: 15687-27-1

Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

1,4-dioxane: 9 (25°C) [Ref.]
2-propanol: 50.53 (10°C) [Ref.]
2-propanol: 79.38 (20°C) [Ref.]
2-propanol: 129.7 (30°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 58.76 (10°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 108.8 (20°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 88.33 (20°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 130.63 (25°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 161.14 (30°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 135.7 (30°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 192.9 (35°C) [Ref.]
acetone: 230.1 (40°C) [Ref.]
chloroform: 45.75 (10°C) [Ref.]
chloroform: 64.48 (20°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 59.26 (10°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 88.65 (20°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 142 (30°C) [Ref.]
ethyl acetate: 32.72 (10°C) [Ref.]
ethyl acetate: 53.16 (20°C) [Ref.]
ethyl acetate: 85.64 (30°C) [Ref.]
methanol: 72.58 (10°C) [Ref.]
methanol: 103.5 (20°C) [Ref.]
methanol: 175.2 (30°C) [Ref.]
methylene chloride: 92.7 (20°C) [Ref.]
methylene chloride: 105.1 (25°C) [Ref.]
methylene chloride: 124.2 (30°C) [Ref.]
methylene chloride: 148.4 (35°C) [Ref.]
methylene chloride: 169.3 (40°C) [Ref.]
toluene: 25.83 (10°C) [Ref.]
toluene: 45.71 (20°C) [Ref.]
toluene: 74.97 (30°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.00113 (25°C) [Ref.]

LD50 (mg/kg):

636 (rats, oral)
740 (mice, oral)


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