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Properties of substance:



cyanogen chloride

Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

colorless gas

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


CAS No: 506-77-4

Molar/atomic mass: 61.47

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

alcohols: very soluble [Ref.]
benzine: very soluble [Ref.]
diethyl ether: very soluble [Ref.]
water: 6 (0°C) [Ref.]

Numerical data:

LCt50 (mg·min/l): 11


1.222 (0°C, g/cm3)

Vapour pressure (Torr):

271 (-10°C)
444 (0°C)
682 (10°C)
1002 (20°C)
1427 (30°C)


    KCN + Cl2 → ClCN + KCl [Ref.]

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

138 (g)

Standard molar Gibbs energy of formation ΔfG0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

131 (g)

Standard molar entropy S0 (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

236.2 (g)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

45 (g)

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

112.1 (l)


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  3. Yalkowsky S.H., Yan H. Handbook of aqueous solubility data. - CRC Press, 2003. - pp. 16
  4. Александров В.Н., Емельянов В.И. Отравляющие вещества. - 2-е изд., под ред. Сокольского Г.А. - М.: Военное издательство, 1990. - pp. 171-173 [Russian]
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  8. Химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 5. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1999. - pp. 298 [Russian]
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